Light and Heavy

Light and heavy is one of the most powerful tools of Access Consciousness®, designed to help you get in touch with your intuitive knowing.

  • Are you someone who thinks you are messed up because your light and heavy haven’t worked?
  • Are you having difficulty making choices?
  • Do you ever get stuck not wanting to make a bad choice

What do you do when your light and heavy don't seem to be working?

This is a question that comes up frequently in my practice. I often hear clients say things like:

“Light and heavy doesn’t seem to work for me.”  

“I’m just not sure about this issue... what do you get?”

“It was light and now its heavy...what’s going on?”

“My friends and I get different answers, who is correct?!”

What if there were powerful strategies that you could use to always access what is true for you?

I invite you to this online class in which I share with you the techniques that I have used with hundreds of clients to empower you to have greater clarity with this tool and tap into your infinite perceiving, knowing being and receiving.


  • Video recording
  • Audio recording
  • A PDF of the light and heavy tools
  • Romanian translation audio recording

50% Complete

Two Step

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