It’s tempting to think...
That we are being helpful when we are coming to the rescue of our wayward friends or family members…but what if that is actually not so?
So many of us have decided somewhere, somehow that rescuing, helping, healing, saving, or even taking on the pain and suffering of others was the way to prove something…that we are kind, that we care, that we are a good person.
What if instead of saving them, or jumping into the problems with them we could have another possibility?
So what's really going on here?
You are invited to join me for a 90-minute exploration of saving, being a savior, and what is possible beyond all of this, using the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®.
I'm choosing it!00
It seems crazy now, but there was a time when i thought my job was to heal, fix, save and take on the pain and suffering of others...
When I was in graduate school it all came to a head when I was tired and depleted, dealing with health issues and wondering how I was going to go on. I finally had to look at my beliefs and ideas and where I was really functioning from, and the toll this was taking on my body and my life. When I finally changed my point of view, I was able to have more space for me, to create an amazing life and to work with clients from a totally different, empowering space.
I am so excited to share with you the tools and processes from Access Consciousness® I used to empower myself and thousands of others to unlock the commitments to “saving” in an exciting new call coming up this month.
Join us for this one-time telecall!
Wednesday June 22nd at 10:30 am Pacific
Who or what are you saving?
Do they actually want to be saved? What freedom and ease is possible for you if you gave up saving those people and things that can’t receive it?
A 90-minute call exploring saving and being a savior
and so much more.